I'm returning home but, my mind is constantly returning back to the awesome week I had at camp. Out of the three years I've been at camp, this year was easily my favorite. I had a amazing time all week. The preaching was AWESOME!!!!! Elder Frazier during the day and Missionary Lambeth during the night. God really showed up and touch very many lives Especially my life. I have been changed for the good just like I do every year. The fellowship was excellent but before I get into that I want to say thank you to everyone that cheered for me when I got the sportsmanship award. You all made me feel really loved, when my name was called I would've never expected that loud of a cheer. but the thanks belongs back to you because without you all I would've never got that. Without you all helping me cheer on the team, especially Nicole Wakefield and Ashlyn DeAro, you guy really helped me with your cheers and were a absolute joy to have on my team if I'm a captain again I will pick you two again. It was great to see my friends and to meet new people like The best cheerleader a team captain could ask for Nicole and The savior of the all-star basketball game Ace! He went out there and gave it his all and came through for us when we really needed him. A few amazing things happened this year 1) Chloee finally watched me play Basketball 2) Chloee actually cheered for me in Basketball 3) Cholee gave me a legit compliment on how good I did in Basketball 4) Chloee watched me play Football 5) Chloee actually cheered for me in Football 6) Chloee gave me a legit compliment on how good I played in Football 7) Chloee was nice to me for a whole day. Those who don't know me and Chloee's friendship wouldn't understand but those truly are miracles hahahaha. Being a captain was a new thing for me but I want to say thanks to Team 8 you guys were a great team to have. Special thanks to Lady 8 you girls saved us every basketball game, all I did in the dorm was brag on you ladies. Also special thanks to my favorite singer Ashlyn DeAro for singing and for keeping me calm during sports so that I can remain a fun captain, I know it wasn't easy but you did it. Also to Jonathan for being a great friend to me this week. Bernard's mind is stuck on camp and I can't wait till next year. Ladies and Gentlemen......
-Bernard out
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Arc Fault Breaker Wiring Diagram
[image: Arc fault breaker wiring diagram]
Arc fault breaker wiring diagram
To wire the arc-fault breaker, connect the white neutral wire to the
9 months ago