Hello Faithful Readers, Bernard would like to apologize for yet another long period without blogging. New in my life, just got hired at In-N-Out (yes my Brother and I work together), and I got my Drivers license last month (bet you I beat you to it Chloee hahaha). Other than that nothing new here. Anyway, I've been doing alot of thinking and I thought to myself something is wrong when you hear preacher after preacher after preacher talk about how lost this generation is. You know its not those that are out in the world we have to worry about because if we don't get it together on the inside how will we ever get them to do what we won't. Young people our biggest enemy is not the temptations we fight with at school or work, its not those old friends we use to have, its not our unsaved family. The enemy we have to fight the hardest right now is laziness and his close friend procrastination, it's that spirit that says I'm to tired to get up early to pray, that spirit that says God will tell me when he is ready for me to start doing whatever it is he has in store for me. You know you can pray for a job all day long but unless you take the time to apply, your prayers are in vain, likewise you can pray for God's will till your blue in the face but unless you start searching for that perfect will your prayers are in vain. Because everybody is trying to FIND the will of God but how can you find Looked for? The bible says faith without works is dead, God wants to see us show interest. God is not gonna put more on us then we can bear, see most always take that in a sense of trials but that can go both ways, if we don't show God we are ready he isn't gonna put more on us than we can bear. I know it says he will pour out a blessing we don't have room enough to receive but he ain't gonna just give it to us we gotta work for it. Our Pastor shouldn't have to lift us up every service, it was Aaron and Hur who held Moses' hands up not Moses holding up Aaron and Hur's hands. It's time for the true Apostolic young people to Stand up and say "I can't sit around any longer, I have got to be used by God" It's time for us to stop waiting for some divine sign that says "(insert you name here) I want you to do this." You see I am a basketball player and we have a saying that says "It's not how good you are it"s how bad you want it" you see it;s not how well you sing or how well you play as instrument It's how bad you want a move of God, It's how bad you want to be use by God. Don't get me wrong keep praying for his will but don't stop there show Jesus that you not all talk, show God you can back up everything your praying for. I told myself Bernard you been praying for his will for a while now time to find it. I was talking to Coco and I said what if God is waiting to give us a chance to be a part of whatever the next amazing thing he is about to do but we aren't stepping up to them game so he gives it to someone else. Young people lets not miss our opportunity to be a part of something amazing.Now is the time to answer the call, Now is the time to start doing those things for God we've never done, Now is the time to Stand Up!
(I hope this post has encouraged somebody to get on fire for Jesus and to stop wasting time.)
God Bless you all
-Bernard out