Hello Faithful Readers, Family, and Friends today (technically yesterday) Bernard had a Unexpected but Awesome Surprise. It all started yesterday when my Brother Brandon say "Hey Bernard Bro White is preaching in Oakley tomorrow Coco and Abel wants us to Go." So I say "AWESOME!!!!!!!" I ask my Pastor if it's ok to go and he say "Definitely, my young people can always go to hear Bro White." So while I'm thinkin to myself "What if Bro White brings his youth? That would be AWESOME!!!!! I need to think of something mean to say so I can get Cholee before she gets me." But I'm to nice to think of anything mean. So I get to Oakley and ba-da-boom!! I see a Victory Tabernacle van outside the church and I think "I should have thought of something mean! Why do I have to be so nice??" I walk in and the firs face I recognize is Eliana I say to myself "Dude what happen to Eliana's foot? Her foot wasn't like that at camp" so the service was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bro. White's message was also AWESOME!!!!!!!!! He preached on Overcoming the Devil's Bluff it was really great afterwards we all started saying hello and when I go to say hi to Eliana she totally calls me Brandon hahaha she was super serious it took her a quick min to figure out that she called me the wrong name. Hahaha then Chloee actually talked to me for like 10 mins and only said like 2 me things (Somebody say MIRACLE!!!!! Hahahahaha) we go to In-N-Out and I was shocked and honored to be invited to eat with my friends Eliana and Chloee. That was the first time Eliana and I actually held a full conversation. It was actually really Cool Chloee was even nice (MIRACLE) hahahaha. Eliana took like a thousand pictures of me talking hahaha they were quite hilarious. It was really good to see everyone it really made my day to see my good friends and to be able to eat with Eliana and Chloee they are good friends. I enjoyed myself tonight ladies an gentlemen, faithful readers.............
-Bernard out
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Arc Fault Breaker Wiring Diagram
[image: Arc fault breaker wiring diagram]
Arc fault breaker wiring diagram
To wire the arc-fault breaker, connect the white neutral wire to the
9 months ago